Do you remember when I told you that anything could happen in 5 days... ???
The skipper who was supposed to take me on board to Guadeloupe left a day earlier... without telling me anything... so Soph became boatless again... I had missed buses, planes in my life... but never boats, There's a first time for everything !!!
Still, I enjoyed St Martin, visited a little bit the island thanks to Pete, a kiwi really cool whom I met at the crewhouse of St Martin, the place where all young people willing to work on boats stay. A backpackers really nice and friendly. Of course, I did not manage to kitesurf there, whereas the 2 first days where I could not go, the wind was full on... so I played beach volley ball... awesome and quite physical too, all good for my legs to be back to be in good shape!
Among the funny short stories, the discovery of a nude resort. Indeed, Pete invited me to join him for diner with Canadian guys he met in a pub... and here we are, with a dozain persons in this nude resort where everybody walks naked, on the beack, in the restaurant, in their bungalows... Eat at a table and dance among naked people will remain an interesting experience... and get used to it... but to be honest with you, it's not my cup of tea. I find it really more sexy and erotic to have a few clothes on... and to tell the truth, most of them are not pictures of beauty... not even worthwhile to spy them!!!Still, I enjoyed watching them... crazy how many differents sorts you can find... well, you see what I mean !!!
Ok, back to my story! Here i am, boatless, looking for another boat going to Guadeloupe... without any success.... Pete, to whom I had talked a lot about the Dominican Republic, keen to learn kitesurfing and spanish decided to go and live there for a few months, so as I found a really cheap ticket, 100 euros (!), I found myself going with him, decision taken in one day !!!
Back to the Dom Rep... a very moving come back, 3 years later... I had a few tears running on my face when flying over the island, then it was the classic trip from Santo Domingo by bus, the Caribe Tour, with the air conditioning full on, the agression of motos conchos and taxis in Sanchez to charge me an incredibily high price to reach Las Terrenas by night, then the night finally spent in a local cheap hotel, the day after in the morning the trip in the local guagua, a pick up where I could enjoy the stunning sceneries of the hills, and finally... the arrival... lots of emotions there... I am discovering a place which changed a lot, new building and shops everywhere, and the road still the same, really bad, holes everywhere, mud, dust... and my beloved dominicans fortunately remained unchanged, friendly, happy, smiling and still chasing the white woman !!!
My friends have been really surprised and happy to see me, the strongest moment being the one when I caught up with my best mate Cathy in a local pub, me looking for a blond with long hair and discovering in shock a brunette with short hair, she looking at me as if I was a ghost !!! we hugged each other... an unforgettable moment...
I plan to stay here a few weeks at the most, to catch up with my mates, learn salsa, kitesurf, and go and visit the places that I loved so much...
Then, we'll see what's next for me !!!
martes, 15 de enero de 2008
domingo, 13 de enero de 2008
De St Martin en Rep Dom!

Quand je vous disais qu'en 5 jours, il peut s'en passer des choses...
Le skipper qui devait m'embarquer sur un bateau a destination de la Guadelouope est parti un jour plus tot... sans rien dire... donc je me suis retrouvee sans bateau fixe... j'ai deja rate des bus, des avions... mais jamais de bateaux, il fallait bien un debut !!!
J'ai quand meme profite de St Martin, ai visite un peu l'ile grace a Pete, un kiwi tres sympa que j'ai rencontre a la crewhouse de St Martin, la ou tous les jeunes qui veulent bosser sur des bateux debarquent. Un endroit pour routards super sympa. Bien sur, je n'ai pas reussi a faire de kite, alors que pendant les 2 premiers jours ou je ne pouvais pas naviguer, le vent etait a fond... je me suis donc rabattue sur le beach volley... super sympa et physique, de quoi remettre mes jambes au parfum! Baignades bien sur tres agreables et soleil etaient au programme..,
Parmi les anecdotes marrantes, la decouverte d'un centre naturiste. En effet, Pete m'invite un soir a venir diner avec des canadiens connus dans un bar... et nous voila avec une dizaine de personnes dans ce centre naturiste ou tout le monde se balade a poil... au restau, dans les maisons, sur la plage. Manger a table et danser au milieu de gens nus restera une experience interessante... et marrante...on s'y fait...mais franchement, ce n'est pas mon truc. Je touve ca beaucoup plus sexy et erotique d'avoir un peu de vetements... et a vrai dire, la plupart ne sont pas des canons de beaute... meme pas de quoi se rincer l'oeil! Ca ne m'a pas empeche de regarder par curiosite,.. c'est fou ce qu'il peut y en avoir de differentes ... enfin, vous comprenez ce que je veux dire !!!
Bon, revenons a nos moutons! Me voila a chercher un autre bateau pour la Guadeloupe... sans succes.... Pete, a qui j'avais parle de la rep dom, motive pour aller faire du kite et apprendre l'espagnol, s'etait decide a aller vivre la-bas quelques mois, et comme j'ai trouve un billet a prix imbattable, 100 euros (!), je l'ai accompagne !!!
Me voila donc en Rep Dom... arrivee emouvante, 3 ans plus tard... quelques larmes versees en survolant ce beau pays, puis le traditionnel trajet depuis la capitale en Caribe Tour, le bus avec la clim a fond, l'agression des conchos et taxis pour me faire payer un prix de folie pour rejoindre Las Terrenas de nuit, la nuit a l'hotel finalement sur place pour prendre ensuite le lendemain matin la guagua, un pick up ou je me regale des paysages des lomas a l'arriere, et puis l'arrivee... sequence emotion... je decouvre une ville bien changee, plein de nouveaux magasins, constructions, et la route toujours aussi pourrie, pleine de trous, de boue... les dominicains toujours aussi fantastiques, souriants, dragueurs...
Les amis sont tres surpris et contents de me revoir, le moment le plus fort etant celui ou je retrouve ma grande copine Cathy... moi m'attendant a voir une blonde aux cheveux longs, et decouvrant avec stupeur une brunette cheveux au carre, elle me regardant come si j'etais un fantome... nous sommes tombees dans les bras l'une de l'autre...moment inoubliable...
Je compte rester quelques semaines ici, pour profiter de mes amis, faire du kite et revoir les endroits que j'ai aimes...
Ensuite, on verra bien ce que me reserve la vie...!!!
jueves, 3 de enero de 2008
A fantastic adventure!
After 21 days at sea, here I am in St Martin, an island of the Caribbean, half French half Dutch. My feelings are mixed when I think of touching land. I am happy to have at last a good night of sleep without rocking or rolling, but I am sad too as it means the end of this adventure, and a bit anxious too to find again the noise, pollution of the civilization and to tell the truth, to face the preoccupations of life on earth.
Life on board is really simple, without other responsibility than sail the boat. Back to simple things, eat, sleep, listen to the music, read, be on watch, fish, write, talk to crew mates and look around…
21 days of happiness at sea. Blue, blue, only blue! Some people asked me before I left: ‘but aren’t you afraid of getting bored?’ I never got fed up with the immensity of the ocean, its beauty, calmness and endless flow! I have known moments of internal peace, serenity, looking at this never ending wave of blue, spreading on a 360 degrees angle, moments of euphoria too when the swell was big and that Lola was surfing and speeding up fantastically, or when she was laying on one side… making me freak out… but always coming back!
Sunrises, awesome sunsets, phosphorescent plankton making like a bride’s veil at the back of the boat and sparkling explosions on its sides, beautiful nights with stars, especially on the night of Friday the 14th of December, with a fireworks show, heaps of green shooting stars starting in the sky like fireworks and leaving well marked tracks in the sky !
Mother Nature is really surprising. This same Friday, we spotted fish jumping out of the water, finally recognized tuna… and suddenly saw some of them, massive, swimming just below the water… certainly hunt by bigger fish… something none of us ever saw in our lives!!! They might have been hunt by our friends the dolphins as these ones turned up later on, offering us a fantastic festival! Around a dozen stayed with us for one hour, swimming at the front, going from one side to the other, competing to be the fastest, for our biggest pleasure! The best moment was when some mothers swam along with their baby under their tummy, the mothers having a different color, like a tiger instead of being just grey like other adults… we were all at the front enjoying the show and one of the babies made us crack up! He offered us a one man show, swimming on its back and showing us its white tummy as if to say: ‘Look Mummy, I can do it even on my back!’… Magical moment I will never forget…
The same day, we caught a small tuna, then getting greedy as it bit small and excited after seeing the tuna in the water, we put the line back in the water… to finally loose our lucky calamari… then the rest of our line! Too greedy on that one, we had different hooks on the line and guess the weight of the tunas on the line was too much and broke it! Too bad…! We caught up later on during the crossing with heaps of dorado’s, the last one caught being the biggest and most beautiful with blue bright spots, a coryphée one…
Dorado marinated in coco milk, grilled with garlic, cooked in the oven wrapped in foil paper with veggies, in the casserole, with curry… we ate it of all manners… and loved it however cooked!
Talking of dorado’s, one of them really saved us some troubles… on the 21st of December, just after finishing our lunch, the bell put on the fishing line rang, we hurry up to roll in the gen and suddenly got caught in a squall… reacting quickly, Christophe keeps the fishing line in one hand, his plate on the other one, and finally takes the dorado back inside the boat, and ends up killing it to our big surprise slamming it with the winch handle… violent but efficient! To his defense, we have to say that we did not have time to mock around… with 30 knots of wind, Rachel steering to face the wind, we take a first riff … and suddenly here we are, bent on one side, Rachel stressed out with all her weight on the wheel to get the boat back, us tensed too, praying for Lola to come back… and at last… the relief, the boat finally decides to obey us and comes back to the horizontal position… We quickly take another riff in the main sail and look at each other, cracking up, still under shock and happy to be back to normal !
What an awesome team, well coordinated on maneuvers! This adventure really made us closer, and when looking back, we will always remember this moment with a lot of pleasure… adrenaline hard out… thanks my dear dorado who enabled us to roll in the gen and then have less sails when we’ve been hit by the squall ! What a great gift for Christophe on his birthday! Sure he won’t forget that one!!!
Talking about squalls, we saw heaps of them… to tell the truth, our sailing conditions at the start were pretty calm. We had to go down south to catch the alizes, getting closer to the Cape Verde islands, ashore from Senegal. We then had tougher conditions at the end, sailing downwind with wind between 20 and 35 knots… enough to get sensations and freak out too… even with 2 riffs in the main sail, I remember some tough watches at night when Lola was heeling from one side to another, filling up the cockpit with water… white nights, where everybody finished up on deck, not being able to sleep, and finally cracking up, a little bit hysterical really because of the tiredness… difficult moments which brought us closer… so much for those who thing crossing the Atlantic is a nice cruise…!
One of the interesting aspects of this crossing was to sail with other boats. We left on Wednesday the 12th of December, Mistral, my previous boat left first, then Lata Pata with Jordi and Carlos, 2 Catalans, Eazy 3 with Vincent, Peter and Olaf, 3 Dutch guys, and then Lola with Rachel, Jordi’s girlfriend, Christophe and I. What a great moment when we left the marina of Las Palmas… a little bit sad not to have Mike and George with me but happy to know they would be sailing with us… we finally lost them 3 days later as we had to keep moving and deliver the boat in time… what a pity… I had the chance to talk to George the night before on the VHF and it was really cool to be in contact with her… I have no regrets on that one as I was so happy to sail with a cool captain, open minded and respectful like Rachel. We really got on well us two and had a good time together. No need to say that we’ll keep in touch in the future!
It was nice then to have some company, to look at the other boats sailing, to call them on the radio to give each other information, joke… and to race… we had a mini regatta with Eazy 3 who tried to overtake us… with no success as Rachel and I trimmed the sails like crazy to stay ahead… another fun moment!
Another positive aspect of sailing together was the exchanges…potatoes and onions against batteries and fishing line… and not to forget the moral support when one had to face problems.
Eazy 3 had a problem with the gen, whose shackle got loose and broke off, freeing the sail. When it happened, they were quite far from us and we had to go towards them just in case. We could watch Vincent climbing up the mast to fix things… how impressive to see this black dot up the mast, swinging with the swell…
10 days later, on the 28th of December, it was our turn… sailing with the gen only with a strong wind, the auto pilot went off which did not resist the pressure and went down the mast to reach the water!
Here again, we had to handle the situation and stress involved. .. wind blowing around 30 knots… making it impossible to do anything in those conditions, with squalls coming and going and a big swell… we took advantage of the first wind window with the wind blowing only at 22 knots: Rachel puts her harness on, and climbs up the mast, lifted by Christophe, stressed out on the winch, aware of his responsibilities. I, Rachel asked me to steer the boat, and I have the delicate mission to avoid the rolling of the boat… what a stress! I kept on looking behind me to know how the waves were coming, as it was a real mess… nice work anyway for all the team… except for 2 waves who were a little bit messy, Lola surfed the waves, Christophe did not drop Rachel who went down the mast safe and sound after releasing the part blocked at the top…
Mutual congratulations of the team about how we handled the situation, and relief… as another squall was coming, just as Rachel was back down the mast! We then put the gen up the mast, taking advantage of another wind window, and went back on course. The other boats watched us during the whole process and told is it was really impressive to see Rachel swinging up the mast… like a grain of salt in the sea…
What a great experience it’s been for me… I will never forget it… I’ve never been that stressed out by the fact that I was responsible for somebody’s safety and I thank Rachel for trusting me… she told me later than I had done a great job as steering in these conditions was the most scary position and she confessed that she had preferred going up the mast rather than having to steer and being responsible for somebody’s safety… … waouah…
We had other freaky moments, like when all the navigation instruments stopped working… I had to steer the boat while we tried to fix it… we finally found out it was the anchor switch which had messed up everything… electronic mysteries…
Nothing will ever match Mother Nature’s mysteries… on the 23rd of December, after gibing several times, involuntarily (drastic change on wind direction) and on purpose, Rachel shows us a point on the horizon… a whale… we then watch in the direction indicated and live maybe the most fabulous moment of the whole crossing… a whale of several tons propelling itself out of the water at a height of 2m…! An unforgettable moment!!! Hard to believe… I have seen lots of whales in the Dom Rep, but nothing like it! It was certainly a playful one, enjoying the big swell and trying to break records!!! … Thanks thanks so much Mother Nature for this magical moment!!!
Magical is also the correct word to describe my first Christmas in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean…
24th of December : tapas diner, with snacks and Spanish champagne (white sparkling wine, not bad at all !!!) just as the moon as rising, gorgeous and orange… those who know me can imagine the rest… after only 2 glasses, Miss Sophie was already a bit drunk…!!! We then had a lights and sound festival with the music hard out and our 3 crazy crew shaking their head torches on the deck… crazy guys I tell you!!!! A day full in events, with the second shower since we left the Canary Islands, the problem with the navigation instruments and the caught of our pretty Dorado coryphée…
25th of December: a very excited Sophie gets up, puts on her Santa Claus hat and opens her presents when having breakfast. Mike, George and Chris had given me some gifts to open only on Christmas day… chocolate and sweeties, mini torch and key ring, Serrano ham… funny for me to think they were opening maybe at the same time the presents I had given them before we left…
Within the crew, we also exchanged presents. Rachel offered us sweeties and chocolates, Christophe made each of us a Brazilian bracelet and on my side, I composed a poem for each of them…Believe it or not, our Sophie is a poet too… my romantic and cheesy side… never trust appearances…
Awesome lunch for Christmas with a selection of cheeses, boiled potatoes, Serrano ham and red wine…
At last, a swim in the middle of the Ocean around 4pm. The 3 boats caught up, facing the wind, engine on in neutral and here we go! We leave a line with knots behind the boat and jump into the water! Ok, it would be lying to say that I really enjoyed it… the shark we saw earlier in the morning, plus the stories told my Michel and the fact that I had my period did not enable me to enjoy this moment as I would have liked to ! … I kind of hurried up to go back on the boat after swimming for a few minutes…
We then had a relaxing afternoon, playing cards, then finished the day with a lights show… no sound for this night ‘special lightening’… here again, we’ve been lucky as Mother Nature spoiled us. I had seen lightening before in my life but never like this! They were striking everywhere, up and down, from left to right, starboard, and port side and in front of us!!! Fortunately enough, they were far away from us so we had only the benefits of the show.
26th of December : back to normal day life… with a special thought for my family having lunch together at my parents’ place in Biscarrosse… and for my pretty God daughter Jeanne who must be dressed up with the lovely Spanish clothes my sister Karine bought in Palma de Mallorca when she came to visit me !
The next days have been the toughest of the whole crossing with strong winds and big swell. One event was the sudden presence of a kitesurf board at around 200 miles from St Martin… too bad, we were going far too fast to catch it as I would have been in getting it… I just hope the guy who was riding on it is safe and sound as we also spotted a shark swimming around!!!
These hard conditions did not stop us from having a great New Year’s Eve. There again, a few snacks with what was left… sea food in tins, a leftover of cheese, crisps, artichokes and champagne… the only thing is that Rachel did not secure enough the bottle which dropped on the deck… so we had only a small glass before this drama steals us the rest of our beverage…
It was time to get there… almost no food left… we had to be careful on coffee, bread who was finished in the last days… no more veggies although they almost lasted until 2 days before our arrival, cheese, milk, butter, biscuits and chocolate, yoghourts and cereals… We also began to be short of water, fortunately we had filled up a few bottles at the marina in Las Palmas and could use them to wash the dishes...
Believe me, all along this trip, we ate like kings, everybody being a good cook! Christophe even made us pizzas 2 days before getting there … fabulous!
Not to forget the indispensable music, inside the boat, outside on the deck, or during the night for watches, while admiring the stars, with the MP3!
We had a lot of fun even if Christophe and Rachel had a few arguments, not really bad though… hard to live together on such a small space without having a few frictions!!!
All good in the hood. I will keep an unforgettable of this crossing. Not only did I learn much more about sailing which was my goal, and I now feel confident about saying that I am a competent sailor… but my head is full of images, unique moments and I shared awesome adventures with my 2 fellow crew mates !
Now, a new adventure will begin… I should have a place on board another boat to reach Guadeloupe and visit my friend Berangere who I met while living in the Dom Rep… but this is in 5 days time and within this time who knows what’s gonna happen… !!!
That’s all for now folks, stay tuned, the story is not over yet!!!
Life on board is really simple, without other responsibility than sail the boat. Back to simple things, eat, sleep, listen to the music, read, be on watch, fish, write, talk to crew mates and look around…
21 days of happiness at sea. Blue, blue, only blue! Some people asked me before I left: ‘but aren’t you afraid of getting bored?’ I never got fed up with the immensity of the ocean, its beauty, calmness and endless flow! I have known moments of internal peace, serenity, looking at this never ending wave of blue, spreading on a 360 degrees angle, moments of euphoria too when the swell was big and that Lola was surfing and speeding up fantastically, or when she was laying on one side… making me freak out… but always coming back!
Sunrises, awesome sunsets, phosphorescent plankton making like a bride’s veil at the back of the boat and sparkling explosions on its sides, beautiful nights with stars, especially on the night of Friday the 14th of December, with a fireworks show, heaps of green shooting stars starting in the sky like fireworks and leaving well marked tracks in the sky !
Mother Nature is really surprising. This same Friday, we spotted fish jumping out of the water, finally recognized tuna… and suddenly saw some of them, massive, swimming just below the water… certainly hunt by bigger fish… something none of us ever saw in our lives!!! They might have been hunt by our friends the dolphins as these ones turned up later on, offering us a fantastic festival! Around a dozen stayed with us for one hour, swimming at the front, going from one side to the other, competing to be the fastest, for our biggest pleasure! The best moment was when some mothers swam along with their baby under their tummy, the mothers having a different color, like a tiger instead of being just grey like other adults… we were all at the front enjoying the show and one of the babies made us crack up! He offered us a one man show, swimming on its back and showing us its white tummy as if to say: ‘Look Mummy, I can do it even on my back!’… Magical moment I will never forget…
The same day, we caught a small tuna, then getting greedy as it bit small and excited after seeing the tuna in the water, we put the line back in the water… to finally loose our lucky calamari… then the rest of our line! Too greedy on that one, we had different hooks on the line and guess the weight of the tunas on the line was too much and broke it! Too bad…! We caught up later on during the crossing with heaps of dorado’s, the last one caught being the biggest and most beautiful with blue bright spots, a coryphée one…
Dorado marinated in coco milk, grilled with garlic, cooked in the oven wrapped in foil paper with veggies, in the casserole, with curry… we ate it of all manners… and loved it however cooked!
Talking of dorado’s, one of them really saved us some troubles… on the 21st of December, just after finishing our lunch, the bell put on the fishing line rang, we hurry up to roll in the gen and suddenly got caught in a squall… reacting quickly, Christophe keeps the fishing line in one hand, his plate on the other one, and finally takes the dorado back inside the boat, and ends up killing it to our big surprise slamming it with the winch handle… violent but efficient! To his defense, we have to say that we did not have time to mock around… with 30 knots of wind, Rachel steering to face the wind, we take a first riff … and suddenly here we are, bent on one side, Rachel stressed out with all her weight on the wheel to get the boat back, us tensed too, praying for Lola to come back… and at last… the relief, the boat finally decides to obey us and comes back to the horizontal position… We quickly take another riff in the main sail and look at each other, cracking up, still under shock and happy to be back to normal !
What an awesome team, well coordinated on maneuvers! This adventure really made us closer, and when looking back, we will always remember this moment with a lot of pleasure… adrenaline hard out… thanks my dear dorado who enabled us to roll in the gen and then have less sails when we’ve been hit by the squall ! What a great gift for Christophe on his birthday! Sure he won’t forget that one!!!
Talking about squalls, we saw heaps of them… to tell the truth, our sailing conditions at the start were pretty calm. We had to go down south to catch the alizes, getting closer to the Cape Verde islands, ashore from Senegal. We then had tougher conditions at the end, sailing downwind with wind between 20 and 35 knots… enough to get sensations and freak out too… even with 2 riffs in the main sail, I remember some tough watches at night when Lola was heeling from one side to another, filling up the cockpit with water… white nights, where everybody finished up on deck, not being able to sleep, and finally cracking up, a little bit hysterical really because of the tiredness… difficult moments which brought us closer… so much for those who thing crossing the Atlantic is a nice cruise…!
One of the interesting aspects of this crossing was to sail with other boats. We left on Wednesday the 12th of December, Mistral, my previous boat left first, then Lata Pata with Jordi and Carlos, 2 Catalans, Eazy 3 with Vincent, Peter and Olaf, 3 Dutch guys, and then Lola with Rachel, Jordi’s girlfriend, Christophe and I. What a great moment when we left the marina of Las Palmas… a little bit sad not to have Mike and George with me but happy to know they would be sailing with us… we finally lost them 3 days later as we had to keep moving and deliver the boat in time… what a pity… I had the chance to talk to George the night before on the VHF and it was really cool to be in contact with her… I have no regrets on that one as I was so happy to sail with a cool captain, open minded and respectful like Rachel. We really got on well us two and had a good time together. No need to say that we’ll keep in touch in the future!
It was nice then to have some company, to look at the other boats sailing, to call them on the radio to give each other information, joke… and to race… we had a mini regatta with Eazy 3 who tried to overtake us… with no success as Rachel and I trimmed the sails like crazy to stay ahead… another fun moment!
Another positive aspect of sailing together was the exchanges…potatoes and onions against batteries and fishing line… and not to forget the moral support when one had to face problems.
Eazy 3 had a problem with the gen, whose shackle got loose and broke off, freeing the sail. When it happened, they were quite far from us and we had to go towards them just in case. We could watch Vincent climbing up the mast to fix things… how impressive to see this black dot up the mast, swinging with the swell…
10 days later, on the 28th of December, it was our turn… sailing with the gen only with a strong wind, the auto pilot went off which did not resist the pressure and went down the mast to reach the water!
Here again, we had to handle the situation and stress involved. .. wind blowing around 30 knots… making it impossible to do anything in those conditions, with squalls coming and going and a big swell… we took advantage of the first wind window with the wind blowing only at 22 knots: Rachel puts her harness on, and climbs up the mast, lifted by Christophe, stressed out on the winch, aware of his responsibilities. I, Rachel asked me to steer the boat, and I have the delicate mission to avoid the rolling of the boat… what a stress! I kept on looking behind me to know how the waves were coming, as it was a real mess… nice work anyway for all the team… except for 2 waves who were a little bit messy, Lola surfed the waves, Christophe did not drop Rachel who went down the mast safe and sound after releasing the part blocked at the top…
Mutual congratulations of the team about how we handled the situation, and relief… as another squall was coming, just as Rachel was back down the mast! We then put the gen up the mast, taking advantage of another wind window, and went back on course. The other boats watched us during the whole process and told is it was really impressive to see Rachel swinging up the mast… like a grain of salt in the sea…
What a great experience it’s been for me… I will never forget it… I’ve never been that stressed out by the fact that I was responsible for somebody’s safety and I thank Rachel for trusting me… she told me later than I had done a great job as steering in these conditions was the most scary position and she confessed that she had preferred going up the mast rather than having to steer and being responsible for somebody’s safety… … waouah…
We had other freaky moments, like when all the navigation instruments stopped working… I had to steer the boat while we tried to fix it… we finally found out it was the anchor switch which had messed up everything… electronic mysteries…
Nothing will ever match Mother Nature’s mysteries… on the 23rd of December, after gibing several times, involuntarily (drastic change on wind direction) and on purpose, Rachel shows us a point on the horizon… a whale… we then watch in the direction indicated and live maybe the most fabulous moment of the whole crossing… a whale of several tons propelling itself out of the water at a height of 2m…! An unforgettable moment!!! Hard to believe… I have seen lots of whales in the Dom Rep, but nothing like it! It was certainly a playful one, enjoying the big swell and trying to break records!!! … Thanks thanks so much Mother Nature for this magical moment!!!
Magical is also the correct word to describe my first Christmas in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean…
24th of December : tapas diner, with snacks and Spanish champagne (white sparkling wine, not bad at all !!!) just as the moon as rising, gorgeous and orange… those who know me can imagine the rest… after only 2 glasses, Miss Sophie was already a bit drunk…!!! We then had a lights and sound festival with the music hard out and our 3 crazy crew shaking their head torches on the deck… crazy guys I tell you!!!! A day full in events, with the second shower since we left the Canary Islands, the problem with the navigation instruments and the caught of our pretty Dorado coryphée…
25th of December: a very excited Sophie gets up, puts on her Santa Claus hat and opens her presents when having breakfast. Mike, George and Chris had given me some gifts to open only on Christmas day… chocolate and sweeties, mini torch and key ring, Serrano ham… funny for me to think they were opening maybe at the same time the presents I had given them before we left…
Within the crew, we also exchanged presents. Rachel offered us sweeties and chocolates, Christophe made each of us a Brazilian bracelet and on my side, I composed a poem for each of them…Believe it or not, our Sophie is a poet too… my romantic and cheesy side… never trust appearances…
Awesome lunch for Christmas with a selection of cheeses, boiled potatoes, Serrano ham and red wine…
At last, a swim in the middle of the Ocean around 4pm. The 3 boats caught up, facing the wind, engine on in neutral and here we go! We leave a line with knots behind the boat and jump into the water! Ok, it would be lying to say that I really enjoyed it… the shark we saw earlier in the morning, plus the stories told my Michel and the fact that I had my period did not enable me to enjoy this moment as I would have liked to ! … I kind of hurried up to go back on the boat after swimming for a few minutes…
We then had a relaxing afternoon, playing cards, then finished the day with a lights show… no sound for this night ‘special lightening’… here again, we’ve been lucky as Mother Nature spoiled us. I had seen lightening before in my life but never like this! They were striking everywhere, up and down, from left to right, starboard, and port side and in front of us!!! Fortunately enough, they were far away from us so we had only the benefits of the show.
26th of December : back to normal day life… with a special thought for my family having lunch together at my parents’ place in Biscarrosse… and for my pretty God daughter Jeanne who must be dressed up with the lovely Spanish clothes my sister Karine bought in Palma de Mallorca when she came to visit me !
The next days have been the toughest of the whole crossing with strong winds and big swell. One event was the sudden presence of a kitesurf board at around 200 miles from St Martin… too bad, we were going far too fast to catch it as I would have been in getting it… I just hope the guy who was riding on it is safe and sound as we also spotted a shark swimming around!!!
These hard conditions did not stop us from having a great New Year’s Eve. There again, a few snacks with what was left… sea food in tins, a leftover of cheese, crisps, artichokes and champagne… the only thing is that Rachel did not secure enough the bottle which dropped on the deck… so we had only a small glass before this drama steals us the rest of our beverage…
It was time to get there… almost no food left… we had to be careful on coffee, bread who was finished in the last days… no more veggies although they almost lasted until 2 days before our arrival, cheese, milk, butter, biscuits and chocolate, yoghourts and cereals… We also began to be short of water, fortunately we had filled up a few bottles at the marina in Las Palmas and could use them to wash the dishes...
Believe me, all along this trip, we ate like kings, everybody being a good cook! Christophe even made us pizzas 2 days before getting there … fabulous!
Not to forget the indispensable music, inside the boat, outside on the deck, or during the night for watches, while admiring the stars, with the MP3!
We had a lot of fun even if Christophe and Rachel had a few arguments, not really bad though… hard to live together on such a small space without having a few frictions!!!
All good in the hood. I will keep an unforgettable of this crossing. Not only did I learn much more about sailing which was my goal, and I now feel confident about saying that I am a competent sailor… but my head is full of images, unique moments and I shared awesome adventures with my 2 fellow crew mates !
Now, a new adventure will begin… I should have a place on board another boat to reach Guadeloupe and visit my friend Berangere who I met while living in the Dom Rep… but this is in 5 days time and within this time who knows what’s gonna happen… !!!
That’s all for now folks, stay tuned, the story is not over yet!!!
Une aventure fantastique !
Apres 21 jours en mer, me voila arrivée à St Martin, ile des Caraïbes mi française, mi hollandaise. Mes sentiments sont partages à l’idée de toucher terre. Contente de pouvoir enfin avoir une bonne nuit de sommeil récupératrice sans roulis ni tangage, mais triste aussi que ce soit la fin de cette aventure, et anxieuse de retrouver le bruit, la pollution de la civilisation, et à vrai dire aussi, les préoccupations du monde de la terre.
La vie à bord est finalement très simple, sans autre responsabilité que celle de faire marcher le bateau. Retour aux choses simples, manger, dormir, écouter la musique, assurer les quarts, pêcher, lire, écrire, papoter avec les équipiers et regarder autour de soi…
21 jours de bonheur en mer. Du bleu, du bleu, rien que du bleu ! Certaines personnes m’ont fait la réflexion suivante lors de mon départ : ‘mais tu n’as pas peur de t’ennuyer ?’ L’immensité de l’océan, sa beauté, son calme, son mouvement perpétuel, ne m’ont jamais lassée ! J’ai connu des moments de paix intérieure infinie, de sérénité, a regarder cette vague bleue interminable se déroulant devant mes yeux a 360 degrés, des moments d’euphorie aussi lorsque la houle était forte, que Lola surfait et prenait des accélérations fantastiques, ou lorsqu’elle se couchait sur le cote… en me faisant hérisser les poils sur le dos parfois... mais en se relevant toujours !
Levers de soleil, couchers de soleil sublimes, plancton phosphorescent faisant un voile de mariée a l’arrière du bateau et des gerbes d’étincelles sur les cotes, nuits étoilées extraordinaires, avec une nuit spéciale feu d’artifice, le vendredi 14 décembre, ou nous avons tous assiste, éblouis, a un festival d’étoiles filantes vertes, démarrant comme des pétards et laissant des traces bien marquées dans le ciel !
La nature est décidément étonnante. Ce même vendredi, nous avons repéré des poissons sautant hors de l’eau pour finalement reconnaitre des thons… et chose unique et jamais vue, nous en avons vus, des énormes, nageant juste au-dessous de la surface… certainement chasses par plus gros qu’eux… et peut être d’ailleurs par nos amis les dauphins. Nous avons eu droit ce jour la a un véritable festival ! Une quinzaine de dauphins nous ont accompagnes pendant près d’une heure, nageant a la proue, zigzagant, se tirant la bourre, pour notre plus grand bonheur ! Point culminant de ce moment, des mères avec leur petit, nageant en duo, la mère avec une couleur différente, tigrée au lieu de la couleur grise des autres dauphins… le petit nageant sous la mère… et l’un d’entre eux nous a fait exploser de rire ! Nous étions tous a l’avant du bateau lorsqu’il nous a fait un one man show, nageant sur le dos et nous montrant son ventre tout blanc comme pour dire : ‘Regardes Maman, j’y arrive même sur le dos !’… moment magique inoubliable…
Ce jour-la, nous avons attrape un petit thon, puis alléchés par le banc rencontre par la suite, nous avons remis la ligne a l’eau pour finalement perdre tout d’abord notre leurre calamar, enfin notre ligne ! Trop gourmands sur ce coup la, on avait plusieurs hameçons sur la ligne et le poids des thons a du la faire casser… tant pis ! On s’est rattrapes plus tard tout au long du périple avec une flopée de daurades, dont la dernière (et la plus grosse) que j’ai remontée le 24 décembre était une daurade coryphène, superbe, avec des points bleus fluo…
Daurade au lait de coco, grillée avec de l’ail, en papillote avec des petits légumes, a la casserole, au curry… on l’a testée a toutes les sauces… et toujours avec le même plaisir !
A propos de daurades, l’une d’entre elles nous a épargné bien des soucis…le 21 décembre, a peine notre déjeuner fini, le grelot de la ligne se met a sonner, nous nous précipitons pour rentrer le génois, puis tout d’un coup, nous nous trouvons pris dans un grain énorme… ni une ni deux, Christophe garde la ligne d’une main, son assiette de l’autre, et finit par ramener la daurade a l’intérieur du bateau, pour l’assommer a notre plus grande surprise a coups de poignée de winch… violent mais efficace ! Faut dire qu’on avait pas le temps de faire dans la dentelle… avec 30 nœuds de vent, Rachel a la barre pour se mettre face au vent, on prend un premier ris… et tout d’un coup, nous voila couches sur le cote, Rachel crispée avec tout le poids du corps sur la barre pour ramener le bateau, nous autres, tendus, priant intérieurement pour que Lola se redresse…. Et enfin… le soulagement, le bateau finit par nous obéir et revenir a la position horizontale…. On prend vite un deuxième ris dans la grand voile et on se regarde en éclatant de rire, encore sous le choc de la violence de l’assaut et heureux de s’en être bien sortis!
Super équipe, bien coordonnée sur les manœuvres, cette aventure nous a bien soudes et avec le recul, on se rappelle ce moment avec bonheur… adrénaline a fond la caisse… merci chère daurade qui nous a permis de rentrer le gen donc d’avoir moins de toile lorsque le grain nous a touches ! Quel cadeau pour Christophe le jour de son anniversaire !!!
Des grains, on en a vu passer a foison… a vrai dire, les conditions du départ étaient plutôt calmes. On a du aller chercher le vent bien au sud, nous rapprochant des iles du Cap Vert, au large du Sénégal. Nous avons eu ensuite des conditions soutenues vers la fin, avec un vent arrière oscillant entre 20 et 35 nœuds… de quoi se faire des sensations, et des frayeurs aussi… même avec 2 ris dans la grand voile, et le gen, je me souviens de quarts difficiles ou Lola passait d’un cote a l’autre, faisant rentrer l’eau dans le cockpit… des nuits blanches d’ailleurs ou nous nous sommes tous retrouves sur le pont, ne pouvant pas fermer l’œil de la nuit, et finissant par éclater de rire, un peu hystériques, a cause de la fatigue accumulée… des moments difficiles qui nous ont rapproches a nouveau… il y en a eu de plus en plus sur la fin de la traversée… autant pour ceux qui croient que la traversée de l’Atlantique est une croisière tranquille!
En tout cas, un des aspects intéressants de cette traversée était de la faire à plusieurs bateaux. Nous sommes donc partis le mercredi 12 décembre, Mistral, mon ancien bateau en premier, puis Lata Pata avec Jordi et Carlos, 2 catalans, Eazy 3 avec Vincent, Peter et Olaf, 3 hollandais, et enfin Lola avec Rachel, copine de Jordi, Christophe et moi. Moment euphorique en quittant la marine de Las Palmas… un peu triste de ne pas avoir Mike et George a mes cotes mais heureuse de savoir qu’ils allaient naviguer avec nous… finalement, on les a perdus 3 jours plus tard… les abandonnant pour cause d’impératifs de livraison… dommage… j’ai eu l’occasion de parler a George la veille sur la VHF et c’était super de pouvoir prendre le contact… pas de regrets sur ce coup-la, trop contente d’être avec un capitaine relax, ouvert et respectueux comme Rachel. Nous nous sommes entendues comme larrons en foire toutes les 2 et nul doute que nous resterons en contact par la suite !
Sympa donc d’avoir un peu de compagnie, de regarder les autres bateaux évoluer, de s’appeler a la radio pour se communiquer des infos et échanger des plaisanteries… et de se tirer la bourre… on a fait une mini régate avec Eazy 3 qui a essaye de nous passer… sans succès, Rachel et moi réglant les voiles comme des malades pour rester devant… encore une bonne tranche de fou rire sur ce coup-la !
Autre aspect positif de naviguer ensemble, les échanges… patates et oignons contre piles et ligne de pêche… et enfin, le soutien moral lors de problèmes rencontres.
Eazy 3 s’est retrouve en effet avec le génois en vrac, l’un des mousquetons l’attachant en haut du mat ayant casse et liber la voile. Ils étaient alors très loin de nous et nous sommes allés les rejoindre pour assister ensuite a la manœuvre, Vincent grimpant en haut du mat pour réparer les dégâts… impressionnant de voir ce point noir tout en haut du bateau, oscillant avec la houle…
D’ailleurs, 10 jours plus tard, le 28 décembre, c’était notre tour… navigant avec le génois uniquement par vent fort, l’auto pilote s’est arrêté tout d’un coup et nous voila avec le génois qui ne résiste pas a la pression et dégringole du haut du mat pour trainer dans l’eau !
La encore, il a fallu gérer le stress… vent soufflant a environ 30 nœuds… impossible d’envisager quoi que ce soit dans ces conditions ave des grains passant ca et la et une forte houle… des la première accalmie, vent soufflant seulement a 22 nœuds, nous voila prêts pour la manœuvre. Rachel enfile son harnais et monte au mat, hissée par Christophe, crispe sur le winch, conscient de ses responsabilités. Moi, Rachel m’a mise a la barre et j’ai la délicate mission de barrer le bateau pour éviter le tangage… quel stress ! Je n’ai pas arrêté de regarder derrière moi pour voir comment les vagues arrivaient, car c’était un peu n’importe quoi… beau boulot en tout cas de toute l’équipe… a part 2 vagues un peu turbulentes, Lola a surfe les vagues, Christophe n’a pas laisse tomber Rachel… et elle est descendu saine et sauve du mat après avoir relâché la pièce bloquée tout en haut…
Félicitations mutuelles de l’équipage sur la gestion de la manœuvre, soulagement… car un autre grain arrivait, à peine Rachel de retour en bas ! On a ensuite remis le gen sur le mat, profitant d’une autre accalmie et avons repris le cap ! Les autres bateaux nous ont observe de loin et nous dit que c’était impressionnant a regarder, Rachel balancée d’un cote a l’autre sur le mat… une tête d’épingle dans une botte de foin…
Super expérience en tout cas… je m’en souviendrai toujours…jamais je n’ai été autant stressée par le fait de me sentir responsable de quelqu’un et je remercie Rachel de m’avoir fait confiance… car elle m’a confiée que barrer dans ce moment la était le poste a plus grosse responsabilité et qu’elle préférait être en haut du mat que de prendre le risque d’être a la barre… ouah…
Des émotions, on en a eu d’autres, notamment avec un arrêt soudain de tous les instruments de navigation… je me suis mise la barre le temps qu’on trouve la panne… c’était l’interrupteur commandant l’ancre, actionne par erreur, et qui n’aurait jamais du provoquer une coupure globale… les mystères de l’électronique…
En tout cas, rien n’égale les mystères de la nature…le 23 décembre, après une série de gibes involontaires (changement drastique de direction du vent) puis contrôlés, Rachel nous désigne un point a l’horizon… une baleine… nous regardons alors et assistons au moment peut être le plus fabuleux de cette traversée… une baleine de plusieurs tonnes se propulsant littéralement a plus de 2m au dessus de l’eau ! Quel moment inoubliable !!! Difficile à croire… des baleines, j’en ai vues en Rep Dom, sautant hors de l’eau, juste au-dessus de l’eau… mais la, rien à avoir ! Certainement une baleine joueuse, se servant de la forte houle pour battre un record… merci merci merci Dame Nature pour ce moment magique !!!
Magique est bien le mot pour décrire aussi mon premier Noel passe au milieu de l’Océan Atlantique…
24 décembre : réveillon tapas, pica pica, et champagne espagnol (vin blanc pétillant) au moment d’un lever de lune splendide… ceux qui me connaissent imaginent le topo… après 2 verres, Mademoiselle Sophie était déjà un peu partie… !!! Festival son et lumière ensuite avec la musique à fond et nos 3 loustics agitant frénétiquement leurs lampes torches sur le pont… des fous je vous dis ! Journée marquée par une bonne douche (la deuxième depuis notre départ), la coupure des instruments de nav et la prise de notre belle daurade coryphène…
25 décembre : une Sophie surexcitée se lève, enfile son chapeau de Père Noel et ouvre ses cadeaux au petit dej. En effet, Mike, George et Chris m’ont donne des cadeaux aux Canaries à ouvrir le jour de Noel… chocolats, douceurs, mini lampe torche, porte clefs, jambon serrano… Marrant de penser que le même jour, Mike et George ouvraient les cadeaux que je leur avais donnes avant de partir…
Entre nous aussi, échange de cadeaux. Rachel nous a régalés de chocolats et bonbons, Christophe d’un bracelet brésilien fait main. De mon cote, je leur ai concocte un poème a chacun… et oui, Sophie poète… ca en étonnera certains… mon cote romantique et fleur bleue… les apparences sont parfois trompeuses …
Super déjeuner de Noel avec sélection de fromages, pommes de terre bouillies, jambon serrano et vin rouge…
Enfin, baignade au milieu de l’Océan vers 16h. Les 3 bateaux se retrouvent, on se met face au vent, moteur tournant a bas régime, on attache une corde à nœuds derrière le bateau et hop, a l’eau ! Bon, je mentirais si je vous disais que j’ai vraiment apprécié… le requin que nous avions aperçu le matin, plus les histoires racontées par Michel et le fait que j’avais mes ragnagnas ne m’ont pas permis d’apprécier cette baignade a son juste prix… je me suis empressée de regagner le bateau après quelques brasses…
Nous avons ensuite joue aux cartes, puis clôture des festivités enfin par un spectacle lumières… sans le son pour cette nuit spécial éclairs… la aussi, Dame Nature nous a gâtés… des éclairs, j’en ai vus, mais la, ca petait dans tous les coins, des verticaux, horizontaux, a bâbord, a tribord, droit devant… heureusement pour nous, ils étaient loin et nous n’avons eu que les avantages du show
26 décembre : retour à un train train quotidien… avec une pensée émue pour ma famille qui se retrouve pour le déjeuner de Noel a Biscarrosse… et pour ma jolie filleule Jeanne que j’imagine vêtue de la belle tenue espagnole achetée par ma sœur Karine a Palma de Mallorca !
Les jours suivants ont été les plus éprouvants de la traversée, avec vents forts et mer agitée. Evénement notable, l’apparition soudaine d’une planche de kitesurf a 200 miles de St Martin… dommage, on allait trop vite, sinon je l’aurais bien récupérée… j’espère juste que le mec qui était sur la planche allait bien car on aperçu un requin intéressé juste après !!!
Cela ne nous a pas empêchés d’apprécier le réveillon du jour de l’An. La encore, pica pica avec… ce qui restait… des fruits de mer en boite, un reste de fromage, des artichauts, des chips et du champagne… sauf que Rachel a mal cale la bouteille et nous n’avons eu droit qu’a un petit verre avant que le drame ne nous prive de la suite…
Il était temps d’arriver… presque plus de provisions… on a du se rationner sur le café, le pain qui a disparu les derniers jours…finis les légumes qui ont dure jusqu'à l’avant-dernier jour, le fromage, le lait, les gâteaux et chocolats, yaourts, céréales, beurre… On commençait aussi à manquer d’eau, heureusement, nous avions fait la provision de bouteilles remplies aux Canaries qui nous ont servies pour la vaisselle…
En tout cas, tout au long de ce périple, nous avons mange comme des rois, tout le monde cuisinant plutôt bien, voire même très bien ! Christophe nous a même concoctes une pizza 2 jours avant d’arriver… fabuleux !
Ajoutez a cela la présence permanente de la musique a bord, sur le pont ou a l’intérieur au choix, et la nuit, pour admirer les étoiles avec le lecteur MP3 dans les oreilles pendant les quarts !
Des rigolades, on a eu, même si Christophe et Rachel se sont accroches plusieurs fois sans que cela ne tourne trop mal… on ne cohabite pas a bord avec 2 autres personnes dans un espace aussi restreint sans quelques frictions… !!!
Tout est bien qui finit bien, donc. Je garderai un souvenir mémorable de cette traversée. Non seulement, j’ai atteint mon objectif qui était de compléter mes connaissances de voile, et je peux dire maintenant que je suis un matelot confirme… mais je me suis remplie la tête d’images, de moments uniques, partageant des moments intenses avec mes 2 équipiers !
Maintenant commence une nouvelle aventure… je devrais me rendre en Guadeloupe sur un autre bateau pour visiter mon amie Bérangère, que j’ai connue en Rep Dom… mais cela est dans 5 jours et d’ici la… !!!
Allez, restez connectes, l’histoire n’est pas encore terminée !!!
miércoles, 2 de enero de 2008
The Caribbean, all mine!
Hey guys,
I finally made it! I had a fantastic atlantic crossing and arrived yesterday in St Martin.
Lots of stories to tell, emotions, memories, events... I don't have time now but will update my blog as soon as I can!
I just wanted to tell everybody I was safe and sound.
I wish you all all the best for this new year 2008!
I finally made it! I had a fantastic atlantic crossing and arrived yesterday in St Martin.
Lots of stories to tell, emotions, memories, events... I don't have time now but will update my blog as soon as I can!
I just wanted to tell everybody I was safe and sound.
I wish you all all the best for this new year 2008!
A moi les Caraibes!!!
Coucou a tous,
Je viens d'arriver a St Martin, saine et sauve apres une superbe traversee riche en evenements, emotions et souvenirs. Je vous conterai plus tard mes aventures car j'ai peu de temps.
Je tenais juste a rassurer tout le monde!
Plein de bonnes choses a tous pour cette nouvelle annee que j'ai commencee au milieu de l'Atlantique.. enfin presque, on etait quand meme a un jour d'arriver a St Martin!
A tres bientot, des que j'ai le temps, je mettrai le blog a jour!
Je viens d'arriver a St Martin, saine et sauve apres une superbe traversee riche en evenements, emotions et souvenirs. Je vous conterai plus tard mes aventures car j'ai peu de temps.
Je tenais juste a rassurer tout le monde!
Plein de bonnes choses a tous pour cette nouvelle annee que j'ai commencee au milieu de l'Atlantique.. enfin presque, on etait quand meme a un jour d'arriver a St Martin!
A tres bientot, des que j'ai le temps, je mettrai le blog a jour!
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