Il est plus de minuit et je viens juste de rentrer à la maison, légèrement saoule, dans les nuages après une soirée passée avec ma coloc Eva, une allemande de 26 ans et ses collègues, d'Allemagne, Espagne et Autriche, toutes moins de 30 ans.
La vie est belle disais-je. Barcelone est extraordinaire. Les gens sont vraiment cools! Je suis sortie avec des filles que je connaissais à peine, dans un bar local très typique et connu, où l'on a pris une coupe de vin pétillant style champagne pour 60 centimes d'euro, puis mangé d'excellents sandwiches de lomo con pimientos o lomo con queso, cebolla y pimientos oour moins de 3 euros, le tout dans un endroit bondé où l'on pouvait à peine bouger mais où tout le monde était heureux, discutait, partageait quelques moments de leur vie, appréciant la boisson, la nourriture, et pas pour se mettre minable mais juste pour sociabiliser et être ensemble...
C'est l'Espagne! J'adore cet endroit. C'est pas cher, fait pour que tout le monde vive ensemble en se respectant, conçu en pensant aux piétons et aux cyclistes.
Je vais travailler à bicyclette et j'adore ça. Ceux qui me connaissent savent que je ne suis pas une fille de la ville et pourtant j'adore Barcelone!!! C'est sympa, tranquille malgré l'immensité de la ville et il y a beaucoup d'espace pour tout le monde.
Après être sorties du bar, nous avons bu d'excellentes Caîpinrinha et Mojito dans un autre bar, puis avons décidé de rentrer à la maison à pied, un trajet d'environ 45mn... c'était génial, un air frais, presque pas de voitures dans la rue et pourtant plein de monde dehors en train de profiter de la vie et de chaque instant. Sur le chemin, nous sommes tombées sur une projection de ciné en plein air gratuite donc nous nous sommes assises et avons regardé la fin du film... alors que j'étais en train de regarder le film, une partie de moi pensait: "Quelle vie extraordinaire je suis en train de vivre, quel endroit fabuleux où vivre, je suis tellement heureuse d'être là et de pouvoir vivre des moments comme ceux-ci!"
Merci mon Dieu, merci mes anges pour m'avoir montrée la bonne voie. Je suis heureuse. Je pense que je vais adorer cet endroit où je peux aller courir en pleine ville et pourtant me sentir bien car ce ne sont que des rues piétonnières et en bord de mer, où je peux aller travailler à vélo sortir dans la semaine avec les amis, dépenser très peu, m'amuser et rentrer à la maison tranquillou sans rien craindre, en me sentant heureuse et en sécurité!
La vie est belle. Tout est question d'amour en fait. L'amour des gens autour de soi, de ceux que l'on connait mais aussi de ceux que l'on ne connait pas et avec qui on va passer un peu de temps. Il s'agit juste de partager un peu, de passer du temps ensemble, de donner car donner est le meilleur sentiment de tous; en donnant, on se sent bien, bon, utile et récompensé car on reçoit au centuple ce que l'on donne. Cela peut être offrir un sourire, dire quelques mots au caissier du supermarché ou à quelqu'un dans la rue, au bar à quelqu'un à qui l'on va offrir des sardines que l'on ne mangera pas parce qu'on déteste le gaspillage et que cela peut faire le bonheur de quelqu'un d'autre, ou parler à quelqu'un autour de soi.
Ok, je suis un peu bourrée mais surtout, je suis parfaitement heureuse d'être ici ce soir, d'avoir vécu ces dernières 6 années de ma vie, les plus belles, et d'être fière de mon parcours... et tout ça grâce à vous, à ceux que j'ai rencontrés, qui m'ont donné tant et ont fait de moi ce que je suis aujourd'hui... merci à tous mes amis, ma famille et tous ceux que j'ai rencontrés sur ma route!
Soph, 00:19, jeudi soir, oh pardon vendredi matin le 25 Juillet!!!
Une sophie très heureuse, très reconnaissante d'être là ce soir!
sábado, 26 de julio de 2008
jueves, 24 de julio de 2008
Life is good!!!
It is past midnight and I just came home, nicely drunk, just floating around, after a night out on a thursday night with one of my flatmate, Eva, german, 26 yrs old and her work mates, german,spanish and austrian, all in their late 2O's.
Life is good was I saying. Barcelona is just amazing. People are so laid back! Going out with girls you hardly know, going in a very local and famous place where you're having a cup of kind of 'champaign' for 60 cents of a euro, then having an excellent bocadillo de lomo con pimientos o lomo con queso, cebolla y pimientos for less than 3 euros, in a very crowded place, where you can hardly move, but in which everyone is happy, chatting with each other, sharing bits of life, enjoying drinks, food, not to get drunk but to socialize and be together... it is all about Spain! I love this place. It's cheap, made for living together, respecting each other, made for pedestrians and bikes. No worries, I go to work on my bike and love it and those who know me know I am not a city girl!!! It's all nice and quiet, lots of space for everybody. We got out of the pub after eating and drinking, went to another one where we had a really good Caîpinrinha or Mojito, then decided to walk back home, around 45mn... so cool, nice fresh air, almost no cars in the street, still heaps of people outside, enjoying life, making the most of it! And on the way home, we found a square where they were playing a movie outside on a giant screen, so we sat down and watched the end of it... then at the same time I was watching, part of me was thinking : "What a great life I'm living, what a great place to live in, I'm so grateful to be here and to be able to live moments like this one!"
Thanks God, thanks angels for showing me the right way. I'm happy. I think I'm gonna love this place where I can have a run in the city and still feel happy as it is all pedestrian zones and waterfront lanes, a place where I can go back home on my bike to have lunch, have a night out during the week with friends, spend almost nothing and have a great time, food and drink and walk back home quietly with no risk at all, feeling happy and safe!
Life is good. It's all about love really. Love of people around you, those you might know but those you might not know as well and you meet for a short amount of time. It's all about sharing a little bit of time together, of giving as giving is the best feeling of all; by giving, you feel so good, useful, and rewarded as you receive the hundredth more of what you give. It might be just a smile, a few words to the cashier in the supermarket, somebody in the street, in the pub when you offer some sardines left over you hate to be waisted to your neighboor, or when you talk to somebody close around you.
Ok, I am a little bit drunk but above all, I am really happy to be here today, to have lived those last 6 years of my life, the most beautiful ones and to be proud of what I am today and what I've been through... and it is all because of you, whom I met, who gave me so much and made me be what I am today... thanks to all my friends, my family and all those I met on my way!
Frenchy, 00:19, thursday night, oh sorry friday morning the 25th of July!!!
A very happy Frenchy, very grateful to be here today!!!
Life is good was I saying. Barcelona is just amazing. People are so laid back! Going out with girls you hardly know, going in a very local and famous place where you're having a cup of kind of 'champaign' for 60 cents of a euro, then having an excellent bocadillo de lomo con pimientos o lomo con queso, cebolla y pimientos for less than 3 euros, in a very crowded place, where you can hardly move, but in which everyone is happy, chatting with each other, sharing bits of life, enjoying drinks, food, not to get drunk but to socialize and be together... it is all about Spain! I love this place. It's cheap, made for living together, respecting each other, made for pedestrians and bikes. No worries, I go to work on my bike and love it and those who know me know I am not a city girl!!! It's all nice and quiet, lots of space for everybody. We got out of the pub after eating and drinking, went to another one where we had a really good Caîpinrinha or Mojito, then decided to walk back home, around 45mn... so cool, nice fresh air, almost no cars in the street, still heaps of people outside, enjoying life, making the most of it! And on the way home, we found a square where they were playing a movie outside on a giant screen, so we sat down and watched the end of it... then at the same time I was watching, part of me was thinking : "What a great life I'm living, what a great place to live in, I'm so grateful to be here and to be able to live moments like this one!"
Thanks God, thanks angels for showing me the right way. I'm happy. I think I'm gonna love this place where I can have a run in the city and still feel happy as it is all pedestrian zones and waterfront lanes, a place where I can go back home on my bike to have lunch, have a night out during the week with friends, spend almost nothing and have a great time, food and drink and walk back home quietly with no risk at all, feeling happy and safe!
Life is good. It's all about love really. Love of people around you, those you might know but those you might not know as well and you meet for a short amount of time. It's all about sharing a little bit of time together, of giving as giving is the best feeling of all; by giving, you feel so good, useful, and rewarded as you receive the hundredth more of what you give. It might be just a smile, a few words to the cashier in the supermarket, somebody in the street, in the pub when you offer some sardines left over you hate to be waisted to your neighboor, or when you talk to somebody close around you.
Ok, I am a little bit drunk but above all, I am really happy to be here today, to have lived those last 6 years of my life, the most beautiful ones and to be proud of what I am today and what I've been through... and it is all because of you, whom I met, who gave me so much and made me be what I am today... thanks to all my friends, my family and all those I met on my way!
Frenchy, 00:19, thursday night, oh sorry friday morning the 25th of July!!!
A very happy Frenchy, very grateful to be here today!!!
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