Je sais à quoi les gars pensent... miam, les suédoises... toutes blondes aux yeux bleu, minces et jolies... et les filles pensent certainement la même chose des suédois en fait!!!
Désolée de vous décevoir les gars mais j'ai bien peur que tout ça ne soit qu'un vulgaire cliché... ils ne sont ni tous blonds ni tous beaux. Ou alors je n'ai pas vu les bons!!!
Ce qui est vrai en revanche, C'EST QU'IL FAIT UN P....N DE FROID EN SUEDE !!!
Franchement, je n'ai jamais eu aussi froid de toute ma vie... Il faisait seulement -4 le jour où je suis arrivée, le soleil se couchant déjà à même pas 3h de l'aprem... ok ok j'avais mes fringues d'espagne, qui ne sont pas dans les plus chaudes, mais franchement, au bout de 10 minutes je n'en pouvais plus et commençais à ne plus sentir mes pieds et à rêver d'un endroit chaud!
Quand je pense à ce pauvre homme sandwich qui faisait la pub pour un restau thai alors qu'il neigeait dehors, restant immobile, comme insensible au froid... j'avais du mal à en croire mes yeux !
Je dois avouer que c'était quand même magique de visiter la ville, toute couverte de neige et de voir l'eau congelée partout. Ces goutelettes étaient vraiment trop mignonnes, s'accrochant aux brins d'herbe telle des perles. J'ai trouvé que Stockholm était une très jolie ville, avec de beaux bâtiments, des couleurs vives agréables à voir. On a pas mal marché en fait... s'arrêtant de temps à autre pour boire un café comme dans le 'Grand Hotel', où j'ai eu l'illusion de me croire l'une de ces personnes riches passant la nuit là-bas...
J'ai eu droit à un dîner succulent avec Jonas et ai mangé un excellent saumon accompagné d'un délicieux vin blanc Sud Africain. Puis, j'ai eu la surprise d'assister à un concert de jazz très sympa dans un petit bar. Un groupe très bon dans une bonne ambiance. Cette soirée a aussi été pour moi l'occasion de découvrir la manie particulière de fumer des suédois... ils chiquent!!! Des petites boîtes rondes qui ressemblent à des bonbons et contiennent en fait des sachets de tabac qu'ils se mettent entre les dents de devant et la gencive... bizarre non! En tout cas, au moins, ça gêne pas les autres même si l'effet est certainement aussi mauvais pour la santé!
Le jour suivant, par une belle journée ensoleillée où il faisait seulement -10 dehors, nous sommes allées faire du patin à glace. J'ai loué des patins et suis partie à l'aventure... j'en avais déjà fait à Bordeaux... qaund j'étais encore jeune... :-)))
C'était incroyable de voir autant de monde... on a tourné avant de trouver une place pour se garer et ils étaient tous là, jeunes, vieux, un monde fou!!! L'activité du dimanche, en plein air, tous avec patins ou luges et la sécurité autour du cou: ces espèces de pics à main qui permettent de se retenir sur la glace si elle se fend et on tombe malencontreusement dans l'eau glacée!!! Quand Jonas m'a annoncé que je devais les porter, je vous jure que j'étais pas rassurée mais voir autant de monde avec a banalisé la chose. A un moment d'aileurs, j'ai entendu craquer la glace, effrayant... j'ai levé des yeux affolés vers Jonas qui m'a dit que c'était normal... ouais évidemment pour lui pas de soucis, il est né dedans mais pour la petite française, ça l'était moins!!!
Le premier tour était super. J'ai vraiment apprécié la balade même si je commençais à fatiguer, n'utilisant certainement pas mes jambes et mes patins correctement!!! J'étais contente que le deuxième tour prenne fin, le soleil se couchant, et moi commençant à me geler et à rêver d'une boisson chaude!
Le dimanche soir, 3 suédois chanceux ont eu le privilège d'avoir droit à un dîner français... et pas n'importe lequel, mesdames et messieurs!!! Le foie gras de Mamie et sa compote de pommes en entrée, servi avec un petit vin doux de Gaillac excellent, puis le plat principal, confit de canard de Mamie toujours et ses pommes rissolées dans le gras du canard, puis enfin, la tarte tatin maison et sa boule de vanille... oh mon Dieu, c'était orgasmique, vous demanderez aux autres!!! Méga bon!!! On a terminé la soirée en regardant le film 'Mamma Mia' et en chantant. Après la comédie musicale, le film, pas mal non plus, j'ai adoré!!!
On n'a pas non plus oublié l'Espagne dans l'histoire, Jonas ayant invité ses amis lundi soir à découvrir la crazy frenchy lors d'une soirée tapas! J'ai rencontré des gens très sympas et devinez quoi? J'ai eu la confirmation que tous les suédois ne sont pas blonds... et que certains sont vraiment très virils, regardez moi cette pose...
On a fini la soirée en regardant à nouveau 'Mamma mia' mais cette fois en version karaoké , un peu obsédés para Abba, vous croyez?!!!
On s'en fout!
Le mardi, nous sommes allées au Nord, ratant de peu un bateau qui devait nous emmener dans une petite île, et nous avons donc continué en voiture, prenant plusieurs ferrys avant d'arriver dans un endroit très sympa. J'ai terminé ma découverte de la gastronomie suédois en dégustant un excellent hareng grillé, très frais.
C'était un peu étrange pour moi de voir un endroit comme celui-là avec des voiliers et de la neige autour, moi qui associe la voile à l'été, les tropiques, la chaleur!!!
Et bien, c'était un voyage très intéressant...
J'ai appris de jolis mots suédois donc 'Dra åt helvete' que j'ai eu l'occasion d'utiliser à maintes reprises et qui se prononce 'dro ouat hell vaten' : ça veut dire 'va te faire voir'!!! Visiblement ça plaisait beaucoup à Jonas et ses amis car ils riaient à chaque fois que je le disais... on ne me prend jamais au sérieux!!!
J'ai aussi réalisé (même si j'en étais convaincue déjà avant) que je n'étais pas faite pour vivre dans les pays froids!!!
De retour à Barcelona, où tout le monde se plaignait d'avoir froid (en fait c'est vrai, ils ont même eu de la neige en mon absence!), je me suis promis de ne plus jamais me plaindre du froid en Espagne!!! Et vous savez quoi? Le week end dernier, soit une semaine après mon séjour en Suède, je suis allée crapahuter dans la montagne... en t shirt!!! Dingue non!!!
En tout cas, un grand merci à mon ami Jonas pour son accueil très chaleureux. J'ai été traitée comme une princesse et ai adoré son appart, qui m'a donné envie d'avoir le mien rien qu'à moi au lieu de faire de la coloc!!! Mais ceci est une autre histoire!!!
martes, 13 de enero de 2009
Sweden... the end of a myth
I know what guys are thinking of... swedish girls hey hey...all blond with blue eyes, slim and good looking... but girls might be thinking the same about swedish guys actually!
Sorry to disappoint you guys, but I am afraid this was just another 'cliché'... they are not all blonde nor gorgeous... or maybe I have not seen the best ones!!!
What is true indeed is that IT IS BLOODY FREEZING IN SWEDEN !!!
Honestly, I have never been so cold... It was only -4 the day I got there, the sun already setting at not even 3pm... ok ok I was wearing my spanish clothes which are not among the warmest in the world but hey, I could only stay 10 minutes outside before starting to feel numb and dreaming of a warm place!
When I think this guy was advertising for a restaurant while it was snowing outside, standing still, like insensible to the cold... I could not believe my eyes!
Still, it was a kind of magic to visit the town, walk on the snow, see frozen water everywhere. There were absolutely gorgeous these droplets of water frozen at the bottom of the herbs. I found Stockholm a really nice city, with pretty buildings, nice colors. We have been walking quite a lot indeed... stopping from time to time to have a coffee like in the 'Grand Hotel' trying to feel like one of these rich people staying there... I had a fantastic dinner with Jonas and ate a delicious salmon with a very good south african white wine. Then, I had the surprise of going to a jazz club listening to a small band, really good. It was also the opportunity for me to discover a very swedish way of smoking... tobacco in sachets like tea which you place between your lips and teeth... strange bro but at least you don't bother other people even if I am sure it is not good for your health either!
The day after, on a beautiful sunny day, only -10 degrees outside, we went ice skating. I rent some skates and went for the adventure... I had been already a few times in Bordeaux.. when I was still young :-)))
It was unbelievable to see so many people there... we had to wait to find a place to park the car and they were all gathered there: young and old people, crowded bro!!! It is the sunday activity you practice outside with your family or friends: on skates or sledges pulled by parents. All of them had the safety system around their neck: some sort of ice picks which enable you to stay on the ice if it cracks and you accidentally fall into the icy water!!! When Jonas told me I has to wear them, I swear that I was not feeling secure but seing so many people with them just made it be more normal. Funny hey as at one moment, I did hear the ice crack, scary... I freaked out right away but Jonas said it was normal as it was moving all the time... yeap sure easy for him bro, he was born with it, not me, the poor Frenchy!!!
The first lap was fantastic; I really enjoyed it even if I was getting tired, certainly not using my legs as I should nor the skates!!! I was glad the second was over, with the sun going down, I was beginning to freeze and just hoped for a hot drink!
On sunday night, 3 lucky swedish guys had the privilege to have a french dinner... and not a simple one, ladies and gentlemen! Grand mum's Foie gras with its 'apple compote' as an entry served with a delicious Gaillac sweet white wine, then the main: Grand Mum's 'confit de canard' with its potatoes cooked in the duck's grease, and to finish the home made 'tarte tatin', a caramelised apple pie served its vanilla ice cream... oh my god it was orgasmic, you can ask the guys!!! Bloody good!!! We finished the night watching 'Mamma Mia' and singing together. After the musical, the movie, yeap bro, loved it too!!!
Spain was not forgotten in this trip as we had some tapas prepared for a party Jonas organised on monday inviting his friends to get to know the crazy frenchy! I met some really nice people and guess what? I got the confirmation all swedish are not blond... but some of them defintively have a manly attitude...
We ended up watching again the 'Mamma mia' this time with the 'play and sing along' option!!! A little bit obsessed with Abba, you think?!!!
Who cares!
On tuesday, we took a trip upnorth, missed the boat supposed to take us to a small island and ended up driving and taking a few ferrys to another nice place. I had a delicious herring to complete my approach of the swedish gastronomy... really good and fresh!
It was so strange for me to see places like this with sailing boats in ports covered with snow... for me sailing is really associated to summer, tropics, warmth!!!
Well, this was a very interesting trip...
I learned a few swedish words... like 'Dra åt helvete' which you pronounce 'draw wat hell vatun' and which means 'fuck you'!!! I had a few occasions to use it and Jonas and his friends seemed to like it as they were all laughing...I am never taken seriously!!!
I also realized (even if I kind of knew it inside) that I was not made for cold countries!!! Could never live in so cold places.
Back to Barcelona, where everybody complained that it had been very cold (actually they even had snow around!), I promised myself I would never complain again about being cold in Spain!!! And guess what? Last week end, a week after this trip, I was hiking in the surroundings of Barcelona wearing only a t shirt!!! Crazy hey bro!
Well, anyway, a big thank you to my friend Jonas for his warmth welcome. He treated me like a princess and I loved his flat which made me feel like my own one too instead of sharing one... but this is a different story!!!
Sorry to disappoint you guys, but I am afraid this was just another 'cliché'... they are not all blonde nor gorgeous... or maybe I have not seen the best ones!!!
What is true indeed is that IT IS BLOODY FREEZING IN SWEDEN !!!
Honestly, I have never been so cold... It was only -4 the day I got there, the sun already setting at not even 3pm... ok ok I was wearing my spanish clothes which are not among the warmest in the world but hey, I could only stay 10 minutes outside before starting to feel numb and dreaming of a warm place!
When I think this guy was advertising for a restaurant while it was snowing outside, standing still, like insensible to the cold... I could not believe my eyes!
Still, it was a kind of magic to visit the town, walk on the snow, see frozen water everywhere. There were absolutely gorgeous these droplets of water frozen at the bottom of the herbs. I found Stockholm a really nice city, with pretty buildings, nice colors. We have been walking quite a lot indeed... stopping from time to time to have a coffee like in the 'Grand Hotel' trying to feel like one of these rich people staying there... I had a fantastic dinner with Jonas and ate a delicious salmon with a very good south african white wine. Then, I had the surprise of going to a jazz club listening to a small band, really good. It was also the opportunity for me to discover a very swedish way of smoking... tobacco in sachets like tea which you place between your lips and teeth... strange bro but at least you don't bother other people even if I am sure it is not good for your health either!
The day after, on a beautiful sunny day, only -10 degrees outside, we went ice skating. I rent some skates and went for the adventure... I had been already a few times in Bordeaux.. when I was still young :-)))
It was unbelievable to see so many people there... we had to wait to find a place to park the car and they were all gathered there: young and old people, crowded bro!!! It is the sunday activity you practice outside with your family or friends: on skates or sledges pulled by parents. All of them had the safety system around their neck: some sort of ice picks which enable you to stay on the ice if it cracks and you accidentally fall into the icy water!!! When Jonas told me I has to wear them, I swear that I was not feeling secure but seing so many people with them just made it be more normal. Funny hey as at one moment, I did hear the ice crack, scary... I freaked out right away but Jonas said it was normal as it was moving all the time... yeap sure easy for him bro, he was born with it, not me, the poor Frenchy!!!
The first lap was fantastic; I really enjoyed it even if I was getting tired, certainly not using my legs as I should nor the skates!!! I was glad the second was over, with the sun going down, I was beginning to freeze and just hoped for a hot drink!
On sunday night, 3 lucky swedish guys had the privilege to have a french dinner... and not a simple one, ladies and gentlemen! Grand mum's Foie gras with its 'apple compote' as an entry served with a delicious Gaillac sweet white wine, then the main: Grand Mum's 'confit de canard' with its potatoes cooked in the duck's grease, and to finish the home made 'tarte tatin', a caramelised apple pie served its vanilla ice cream... oh my god it was orgasmic, you can ask the guys!!! Bloody good!!! We finished the night watching 'Mamma Mia' and singing together. After the musical, the movie, yeap bro, loved it too!!!
Spain was not forgotten in this trip as we had some tapas prepared for a party Jonas organised on monday inviting his friends to get to know the crazy frenchy! I met some really nice people and guess what? I got the confirmation all swedish are not blond... but some of them defintively have a manly attitude...
We ended up watching again the 'Mamma mia' this time with the 'play and sing along' option!!! A little bit obsessed with Abba, you think?!!!
Who cares!
On tuesday, we took a trip upnorth, missed the boat supposed to take us to a small island and ended up driving and taking a few ferrys to another nice place. I had a delicious herring to complete my approach of the swedish gastronomy... really good and fresh!
It was so strange for me to see places like this with sailing boats in ports covered with snow... for me sailing is really associated to summer, tropics, warmth!!!
Well, this was a very interesting trip...
I learned a few swedish words... like 'Dra åt helvete' which you pronounce 'draw wat hell vatun' and which means 'fuck you'!!! I had a few occasions to use it and Jonas and his friends seemed to like it as they were all laughing...I am never taken seriously!!!
I also realized (even if I kind of knew it inside) that I was not made for cold countries!!! Could never live in so cold places.
Back to Barcelona, where everybody complained that it had been very cold (actually they even had snow around!), I promised myself I would never complain again about being cold in Spain!!! And guess what? Last week end, a week after this trip, I was hiking in the surroundings of Barcelona wearing only a t shirt!!! Crazy hey bro!
Well, anyway, a big thank you to my friend Jonas for his warmth welcome. He treated me like a princess and I loved his flat which made me feel like my own one too instead of sharing one... but this is a different story!!!
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