It’s so good to be with girlfriends! Everything is so much more fun with one... or even two of them!
Audrey only stayed a few days in Les Saintes as she had to go back to St Martin for first of all, a few more days of holidays, then back to work...
We explored the island together, first walking to the Morel hill,

Another walk took us to the Camel, the highest point of the island located at 307m above the sea level. We then played the adventurers, following a path going down in the forest where heaps of wild and nasty animals were waiting for us at each corner… (I have just drank a Mojito made by Berangère, which explains my crazy writing…).
Back home, we had an afternoon kitesurf session; as the wind was not strong enough for me to ride, I taught Audrey how to fly a kite and we had much fun... here, it was still ok... ,

here, it was just before crashing the kite… !!

This island is really full of charms and really relaxing. Life is passing by, quietly... Scooters and bicycles are everywhere and there are hardly any cars for the best as the streets are so narrow that it would cause lots of traffic jams and would change the place into a noisy and busy island.
The houses called ‘cases’ are really pretty with lots of bright flowers in the gardens and really nice decorations under the roofs made out of wood.
A road surrenders the island which you can visit by bicycle, scooter or jsut walking as it is so small. It goes up and down and offers splendid look outs over the island.
The locals called ‘Les Saintois’ are mostly from Brittany and dutch origin, so rather mixed or white with incredible clear eyes. They speak french with a lovely accent called ‘creole’and they are many reggae rasta around… cool man…
Here, the main attraction of the day is brought by tourists who arrive with a ferry to spend the day on the island and fortunately leave at the end of the day, leaving the island to our sole benefit...
Then, at night time, there are only a few distractions. The locals live at the rythm of the UCPA parties (a sport organization for young people) and girls are the object of all attentions… not too bad for the instructors...brand new girls arrive each week…
Well, a really nice stay with Bérangère whom I helped to move in a new house that has a terrace with a splendid view over the bay… lots of complicity, cracks up, and we found ourselves as crazy and childish as teenagers discovering life...

I had a crazy kite session with 7 to 8 stength wind, gusting up to 30 knots... really gusty and totally craaaaazy!!! I had my count of sensations, freaked out many times, totally overpowered…and ended up really tired...! On the other side of the island, there are impressive waves with an on shore wind… you get smashed in the waves and the hardest is to start riding...

We also went to Terre de Bas where we could admire splendid look outs and also to the Cabrit island offering a fantastic panorama over the different islands and whose only inhabitant is a very nice ‘potier’.

Now, ready for another adventure, the three of us leave for Dominica on Saturday or Sunday… see you soon !
1 comentario:
salut ma chere Sophie
Merci pour les images et récits de toutes tes aventures
J'aimerai parfois être près de toi pour que tu me racontes de vive voix et que l'on se fasse qq bons délires!
Bravo pour tout ,plein de bonnes pensées et ENORMES BISES
Chris...de St Bardoux!
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