Anyway, the three of us are so happy that we could stay here to discover this paradisiac island, and Bermudian people, among the warmest and more welcoming people I have ever met.

We kept on meeting interesting people, like this french couple, Corinne and Georges, and their american friends, who offered us a concert on Hauraki, guitar and clarinette. An awesome night on the booze that ended at 4am, after one neighbour complained about the noise and not being able to sleep...

The morning after, it was Brian who was giving us a gift. After showing us the island on his car last week, he took us for a ride on his boat for a quick tour around the island...
We've been really lucky, the waster was crystal clear and pristine, we could hardly believe our eyes...

Then at her friend's Mary, equally interesting, who made us a delicious meal in her lovely orange house, a typical Bermudian house...So privileged!

Really, we are gonna regret leaving this charming place... I let you enjoy these last pictures, among the nicest, of the Southern beaches of the island...

Convinced?!!! No ??? OK, the most beautiful for the end...

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