Encore un super voyage... Pas facile d'arriver là bas les gars... D'abord, 6 heures en voiture pour aller jusqu'à Paris, puis 1 heure de bus pour aller à l'aéroport de Beauvais, 1h et demie ensuite d'avion pour rejoindre Glasgow, 1 heure de train pour aller en ville, 5 heures de plus en train, et enfin 1 heure de ferry... Qu'importe, ça en valait bien le coup! Les paysages qui se sont succédés en train étaient absolument magnifiques et m'ont beaucoup rappelé la NZ, avec sa forêt tropicale luxuriante et ses avancées de mer à l'intérieur des terres comme les Marlborough Sounds...
C'était super de retrouver Mike et Georgie et à ma grande surprise en arrivant, j'ai constaté que j'étais logée dans un vrai château.. En plus, j'ai été traitée comme une vraie princesse!! Je déconne pas, ce château a été construit au 19ième siècle et c'était marrant de vivre là dedans pendant une semaine. Une chambre super sympa rien que pour moi et même de la nourriture à ma disposition au càs ou j'aurais des petits creux... sacrée Georgie, j'ai été gâtée!!!
Au dinner, ils m'ont préparé la spécialité du coin: haggis, neeps and tatties... le truc marronasse est fait de viande de mouton, quelque chose comme son estomac. Le truc orange c'est un mélange de patates douces, pommes de terre (enfin je crois) et d'une autre racine, super bon. Rassurez-vous, c'est meilleur que ça n'en a l'air!!! j'ai réussi à tout manger mais n'en ai pas repris...
J'ai un peu plus apprécié les crêpes que je leur ai faites le dernier jour, et mes amis aussi... miam!
On s'est bien éclatés ensemble. Nous sommes allés marcher jusqu'à Kilmory, une très jolie plage avec plein de chevreuils en liberté autour. Etonnant d'en voir autant car il y en a peu en France. Le temps a été très capricieux, on passait du soleil et de la chaleur à la pluie en quelques minutes... un peu comme en NZ vraiment, les quatres saisons dans la même journée! Quel plaisir de faire enfin un peu d'exercice, de marcher en profitant de l'air frais et pur, en se régalant du vert des montagnes, de la paix et sérénité de Mère Nature....
Puis, j'ai vécu une expérience étonnante avec les Manx Shearwater. C'est un oiseau de mer qui vient en Ecosse nicher après avoir voyagé depuis le Brésil. Il y a plus de 100000 couples qui vivent sur Hallival, une montagne située à 1h et demie de marche depuis le château de Kinloch. Nous sommes partis à 11h du soir car les oiseaux ne rentrent qu'à la nuit tombée pour regagner leurs terriers. C'est marrant d'ailleurs, c'était le 20 juin et presque la nuit la plus courte de l'année! Comme il ne faisait jamais nuit, après avoir siroté thé et gâteaux dans la cabane, on a fini par monter le reste de la montange, écoutant les shearwaters s'appeler, et les sentant voler juste au-dessus de nos têtes!
Comme Mike est un expert et un amoureux des shearwaters, il sait tout sur eux et c'était génial d'avoir le privilège d'êre avec lui cette nuit là, de le voir les attraper, leur mettre des bagues pour les comptabiliser. Il m'a aussi proposé d'en tenir un... bon, bien sur, je me suis dit que ça serait sympa et en même temps, j'avais un peu peur de ne pas savoir comment le tenir... on s'est bien marrés car il a voulu me prendre en photo en train de tenir l'oiseau, mais mon appareil était coincé sous ma veste et pendant ce temps là, le shearwater est devenu nerveux et a commencé à me donner des coups de bec... aie! Il m'a eu trois fois au moins et je criais en même temps que je me marrais!!! Un souvenir inoubliable!!!
Nous sommes rentrés alors que la lune se levait, puis le soleil. C'était dingue cette nuit là, on est passés du coucher au soleil au lever de soleil sans presque aucune transition! Nous étions rentrés à 4h du mat, crevés et contents que ça s'arrête après avoir crapahuté dans la montagne et trempé nos chaussures! Mais quelle experience unique! Peu de gens peuvent faire ce que j'ai fait, et j'ai eu de la chance vraiment de faire partie de ceux là! J'adore aussi ces moments où l'on fait quelque chose d'original alors que tout le monde dort. C'est vraiment profiter de chaque instant et de ce que la vie peut nous offrir !
Ensuite, je suis allée me balader de l'autre côté de l'île, à Harris où l'ancien propriétaire du château a construit un mausolée et où il repose avec sa femme et son père. C'était une rando sympa, avec plein d'animaux: chevreuils bien sûr, chèvres, poneys, oyster catchers et mouettes. Personne à part moi. Les poneys étaient vraiment très curieux et sont venus jusqu'à moi pour avoir une caresse... c'est marrant comme je ne me sens jamais à l'aise avec les animaux sauvages, toujours un peu incertaine de leur réaction et de ce qu'ils me veuleng, au càs où ils vouraient m'attaquer!!! Quelle froussarde!!! En coupant à travers champs pour éviter la route en lacets, j'ai effrayé quelques chevreuils. Ils sont trop beaux, je les adore, si gracieux! L'un d'entre eux avait cependant l'air bizarre...
La veille de mon départ, on a fêté les 30 ans d'un gars de là bas et il y avait une soirée karaoke! On s'est bien amusés! On s'est fait avoir car peu de personnes ont marqué leur nom et on a donc du aller chanter! Georgie a chanté 'always' de Bonjovi, elle était super, une vrai rock star! Puis c'était mon tour avec "I'm so excited" et Mike s'est fait piéger car j'ai mis son nom et il a du chanter avec Georgie "Summer nights" du film Grease. Leur duo était absolument génial! A part le fait que je comprenais rien à ce que racontait l'écossaise qui animait la soirée, j'ai passé une bonne soirée.
Je suis partie par une très belle journée et ai adoré la première partie du voyage en train que je n'avais pas pu apprécier à l'aller car il faisait nuit. Magnifique... J'étais un peu triste de revenir à la civilisation et dans le gris et la pluie de Glasgow mais contente de déjeuner avec un vieil ami, John avec qui j'avais voyagé il y a 2 ans dans l'île du Sud de NZ... ah les bons vieux temps... j'adore toujours revoir des amis avec qui j'ai partagé des moments spéciaux dans ma vie!
Je suis maintenant de retour en France, et après 2 jours passés à m'occuper de ma filleule, l'adorable Jeanne, je vais passer une semaine avec ma cousine près de la mer dans les Landes. Puis ça sera un entretien pour un boulot à Barcelone début juillet. A bientôt pour la suite!
jueves, 26 de junio de 2008
Scotland... another paradise on earth
Another good trip then... Not easy to get there bro... First, 6 hours in a car to get to Paris, then 1 hour on a bus to go to a remote airport, 1 hour and a half in the plane to Glasgow, 1 hour on the train to get downtown, 5 more hours on a train, then another hour on a ferry... no worries, it was well worth the time spent to travel! The scenery itself on the train was absolutely gorgeous! It reminded much of NZ, rain forest very luxurious, then inlets of water very much like the Marlborough Sounds...
It was so good to spend some time with Mike and Georgie and to my greatest surprise, I was hosted in a castle and treated like a real princess!! I'm not kidding, this castle was built in the nineteenth century and it was really cool to live there for a week. A nice bedroom all for myself, with a bunch of food in case I was hungry... the real treat!
For diner, they cooked me some haggis, neepps and tatties... the brown stuff is made of some sheep meat, something like the inside of its tummy. The orange one is a mix of sweet potatoes, potatoes I think and another root. To tell the truth, the haggis tastes better that it looks... it was OK but I did not have a second service...
I enjoyed the French crepes I made a little bit more and so did my friends... yummy!
We had a great time together, went hiking to Kilmory, a nice beach, with lots of red deers around. It was pretty amazing to see so many in the wild as they are very few in France. The weather was quite up and down, one moment the sun was out and it was really hot then the second after, it was raining... Scotland is very much like NZ again, four seasons in one day! It was good to be doing some exercise again, enjoy the fresh and pure air, the green of the mountains, the peace and serenity of Mother Nature...
Then, I had an amazing experience with the Manx Shearwater. It is a sea bird who comes to Scotland to nest. They travel all the way from Brazil and there are more than 100,000 pairs living in Hallival, a moutain located 1 hour and a half walking from Kinloch Castle. We left around 11pm as it must be dark for the birds to come back to their burrows. Funnily enough, it was almost the longest day (the 20th of June) so it was never getting really dark. We waited in the hut then kept on walking up hill, listening to the shearwater calling each other in the dark, feeling them flying just above our heads!
As Mike is an expert and a shearwater lover, he knows all about them and it was fantastic to have the privelege of being with him, seing him catch them, ring them. He also offered me to hold one... well, hum, I thought it would be nice but at the same time, I was a little bit afraid of not knowing how to do it... then, we had a good laugh as Mike wanted to take a picture of me holding the bird and he could not as the camera was under my jacket and meanwhile, the shearwater was getting nervous and began to bite me... oups! He got me three times at least and I was screaming as well as laughing!!! Unforgettable experience!!!
We came back with the moon rising, then the sun. Crazy bro, it never got dark and went from sunset to sunrise! 4am in the morning, we were back to the castle and happy to go to bed after walking downhill in the damp and wet mountains! But what a great and unique experience! So few people can do that, I felt really blessed and lucky! I also love these moments spent doing something original while everybody is sleeping. It's like making the most of what life can offer us!
Another day, I went walking till the other end of the island to Harris where the former owner of the castle built a mausolee for his grave, his wife's and dad's. It was a really pleasant walk, lots of animals to be seen: red deers of course, goats, ponies, oyster catchers, seagulls. Nobody there except me. The ponies were quite friendly and came towards me to get a cuddle... funny, I am never really chilled out with wild animals, always wondering what they want, if they're gonna attack me... a pussy really!!! Cutting through hills to avoid following the laces of the road, I frightened a few deers. I really love them, they are so graceful!
One of them was a little bit weird looking though...
The night before I left, it was somebody's 30th birthday and there was a karaoke party! It was good fun! We got trapped as not many people wrote their names to sing and we all had to go and sing! Georgie sang 'always' from Bonjovi, she was awesome, a real rock star! Then it was my turn with "I'm so excited" and Mike was trapped as I put his name so he had to sing "Summer nights" from Grease with Georgie and their duet was absolutely fantastic! Apart from the fact that I could not understand many of what the scottish lady leading the show said, I had a good time!
I left on a beautiful sunny day and enjoyed the first part of the scenery in the train as it was already night time during my inbound trip. So beautiful... I was a little bit sad to come back to civilization and in the grey raining city of Glasgow but I was happy at the same time as I had lunch with a good friend of mine, John whom I had travelled with 2 years ago in the South Island of NZ... good old times...I really love to see again my friends whom I shared with some special moments of my life!
I am now back to France, and after 2 days spent in Paris looking after my goddaughter, the adorable Jeanne, I will spend a week with my cousin who has a house by the shore in Les Landes near Hossegor. Then, an interview for a job in Barcelona early july... keep in touch mates...!
It was so good to spend some time with Mike and Georgie and to my greatest surprise, I was hosted in a castle and treated like a real princess!! I'm not kidding, this castle was built in the nineteenth century and it was really cool to live there for a week. A nice bedroom all for myself, with a bunch of food in case I was hungry... the real treat!
For diner, they cooked me some haggis, neepps and tatties... the brown stuff is made of some sheep meat, something like the inside of its tummy. The orange one is a mix of sweet potatoes, potatoes I think and another root. To tell the truth, the haggis tastes better that it looks... it was OK but I did not have a second service...
I enjoyed the French crepes I made a little bit more and so did my friends... yummy!
We had a great time together, went hiking to Kilmory, a nice beach, with lots of red deers around. It was pretty amazing to see so many in the wild as they are very few in France. The weather was quite up and down, one moment the sun was out and it was really hot then the second after, it was raining... Scotland is very much like NZ again, four seasons in one day! It was good to be doing some exercise again, enjoy the fresh and pure air, the green of the mountains, the peace and serenity of Mother Nature...
Then, I had an amazing experience with the Manx Shearwater. It is a sea bird who comes to Scotland to nest. They travel all the way from Brazil and there are more than 100,000 pairs living in Hallival, a moutain located 1 hour and a half walking from Kinloch Castle. We left around 11pm as it must be dark for the birds to come back to their burrows. Funnily enough, it was almost the longest day (the 20th of June) so it was never getting really dark. We waited in the hut then kept on walking up hill, listening to the shearwater calling each other in the dark, feeling them flying just above our heads!
As Mike is an expert and a shearwater lover, he knows all about them and it was fantastic to have the privelege of being with him, seing him catch them, ring them. He also offered me to hold one... well, hum, I thought it would be nice but at the same time, I was a little bit afraid of not knowing how to do it... then, we had a good laugh as Mike wanted to take a picture of me holding the bird and he could not as the camera was under my jacket and meanwhile, the shearwater was getting nervous and began to bite me... oups! He got me three times at least and I was screaming as well as laughing!!! Unforgettable experience!!!
We came back with the moon rising, then the sun. Crazy bro, it never got dark and went from sunset to sunrise! 4am in the morning, we were back to the castle and happy to go to bed after walking downhill in the damp and wet mountains! But what a great and unique experience! So few people can do that, I felt really blessed and lucky! I also love these moments spent doing something original while everybody is sleeping. It's like making the most of what life can offer us!
Another day, I went walking till the other end of the island to Harris where the former owner of the castle built a mausolee for his grave, his wife's and dad's. It was a really pleasant walk, lots of animals to be seen: red deers of course, goats, ponies, oyster catchers, seagulls. Nobody there except me. The ponies were quite friendly and came towards me to get a cuddle... funny, I am never really chilled out with wild animals, always wondering what they want, if they're gonna attack me... a pussy really!!! Cutting through hills to avoid following the laces of the road, I frightened a few deers. I really love them, they are so graceful!
One of them was a little bit weird looking though...
The night before I left, it was somebody's 30th birthday and there was a karaoke party! It was good fun! We got trapped as not many people wrote their names to sing and we all had to go and sing! Georgie sang 'always' from Bonjovi, she was awesome, a real rock star! Then it was my turn with "I'm so excited" and Mike was trapped as I put his name so he had to sing "Summer nights" from Grease with Georgie and their duet was absolutely fantastic! Apart from the fact that I could not understand many of what the scottish lady leading the show said, I had a good time!
I left on a beautiful sunny day and enjoyed the first part of the scenery in the train as it was already night time during my inbound trip. So beautiful... I was a little bit sad to come back to civilization and in the grey raining city of Glasgow but I was happy at the same time as I had lunch with a good friend of mine, John whom I had travelled with 2 years ago in the South Island of NZ... good old times...I really love to see again my friends whom I shared with some special moments of my life!
I am now back to France, and after 2 days spent in Paris looking after my goddaughter, the adorable Jeanne, I will spend a week with my cousin who has a house by the shore in Les Landes near Hossegor. Then, an interview for a job in Barcelona early july... keep in touch mates...!
lunes, 2 de junio de 2008
Ireland at last... and France!
As I said before, we did not have much time to enjoy the Acores. Once tied to the dock and while clearing customs, I went to check out if our painting from last crossing was still there… and I found it. This is one of the traditions here when you cross, to make a paiting representing your boat and the team. Time was too short this time to make one… what a shame really!
We just had time to do the washing while enjoying a few drinks in the sun with some spanish guys we met at the pub, and with whom we ended up at the restaurant and spent the evening with. Unfortunately not much time to visit Horta, a lovely town, as after Jordi checked the weather forecast the day after, green light was given to leave right away. We went shopping and left in the middle of the day.
We left on a gorgeous friday, with an outstanding view on Pico, the summit of next island, clear for once!
Not much to say really in terms of sailing, pretty laid back, not much wind, on the nose or 15 to 30 knots downwind.
Only one exception a day where we reached 12.6 knots on a surf… nice but nothing compared to the 19 knots we made on a surf during our trip from Bermuda to the Acores!
We celebrated Jordi’s 32nd birthday on the 24th of May and Rachel baked a strawberry cheesecake, Jordi's favorite dessert; Then, it was Rachel’s 37th on the 27th, a good occasion for me to make a chocolate mousse with pieces of caramelised orange skin... delicious... No special occasion needed for a tarte Tatin and its chantilly surrounded by chocolate sauce… miam! Nice to be able to cook on a flat surface, the advantage of a catamaran compared to a mono hull. We were usually cooking for lunches (Rachel did mainly as I was on watch) and she baked several times some fresh bread which we enjoyed heaps.
We hardly saw the sun on this trip, a thick fog covering the whole white sky, with not much visibility, giving us the impression we were somewhere on the Lochness in Scotland! Back to wearing wet socks, and freezing at night because of the humidity! It gave birth to interesting fashions…
Again, many dolphins on the way… and no fish! Damn it! We really did not understand what happened and why we did not get lucky once!
We had at least a quiet trip, no storm and no stress… funny how finally the part of the trip we were fearing the most turned out to be the easiest!
Saturday the 31st of May, here we are in Cork, Southern Ireland, safe and sound and happy to be on land again. The owner of the boat welcomed us warmly and after a late night, I flew back to France, happy to see my uncle, aunt and grandma.
Now, I have to sort out my life and decide what I want to do and where I want to live... meanwhile, I have enjoyed a 13 hours sleep and feel more rested. Next, try to get myself into a new life, a normal one maybe ???
We just had time to do the washing while enjoying a few drinks in the sun with some spanish guys we met at the pub, and with whom we ended up at the restaurant and spent the evening with. Unfortunately not much time to visit Horta, a lovely town, as after Jordi checked the weather forecast the day after, green light was given to leave right away. We went shopping and left in the middle of the day.
We left on a gorgeous friday, with an outstanding view on Pico, the summit of next island, clear for once!
Not much to say really in terms of sailing, pretty laid back, not much wind, on the nose or 15 to 30 knots downwind.
Only one exception a day where we reached 12.6 knots on a surf… nice but nothing compared to the 19 knots we made on a surf during our trip from Bermuda to the Acores!
We celebrated Jordi’s 32nd birthday on the 24th of May and Rachel baked a strawberry cheesecake, Jordi's favorite dessert; Then, it was Rachel’s 37th on the 27th, a good occasion for me to make a chocolate mousse with pieces of caramelised orange skin... delicious... No special occasion needed for a tarte Tatin and its chantilly surrounded by chocolate sauce… miam! Nice to be able to cook on a flat surface, the advantage of a catamaran compared to a mono hull. We were usually cooking for lunches (Rachel did mainly as I was on watch) and she baked several times some fresh bread which we enjoyed heaps.
We hardly saw the sun on this trip, a thick fog covering the whole white sky, with not much visibility, giving us the impression we were somewhere on the Lochness in Scotland! Back to wearing wet socks, and freezing at night because of the humidity! It gave birth to interesting fashions…
Again, many dolphins on the way… and no fish! Damn it! We really did not understand what happened and why we did not get lucky once!
We had at least a quiet trip, no storm and no stress… funny how finally the part of the trip we were fearing the most turned out to be the easiest!
Saturday the 31st of May, here we are in Cork, Southern Ireland, safe and sound and happy to be on land again. The owner of the boat welcomed us warmly and after a late night, I flew back to France, happy to see my uncle, aunt and grandma.
Now, I have to sort out my life and decide what I want to do and where I want to live... meanwhile, I have enjoyed a 13 hours sleep and feel more rested. Next, try to get myself into a new life, a normal one maybe ???
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